Restoration Progress

In 2003 Motuihe volunteers commenced planting NZ native tree and shrubs which were eco-sourced from the island and propagated within the island's nursery. Since being declared pest free in 2004 and with the help of many thousands of volunteers, this little island gem in the Hauraki Gulf has undergone a huge transformation. Prior to this time period, the island was inundated and overwhelmed by thousands of rabbits and pest weeds such as mothplant, rhamnus, woolly nightshade etc.  The rabbits devoured any native tree revegetation and the pest weeds smothered what remnant bush existed. 

Below is a link to images taken from 40 GPS sites on Motuihe Island from 2007.  These 40 sites are used for monitoring the changes taking place with bird calls, gecko and/or skink populations and native vegetation growth.  The island is now an amazing home with increasing bird life and birdsong.  These images show the wonderful growth of the trees. (2007) (2022)