
Motuihe Island / Te Motu-a-Ihenga

Help Keep Motuihe Island Pest Free

Biosecurity is imperative to ensure Motuihe Island maintains its pest free status.

Pest rodents, for example. rats, ferrets, and stoats can decimate native birds such as Little Spotted Kiwi, Saddleback and geckos, skinks and Tuatara. 

Pest weeds are slowly being removed from the island by volunteers and weed contractors however without biosecurity checks in place, there is a high risk of new weeds and diseases being introduced such as Kauri Dieback. 

Dogs, cats and other domestic animals are prohibited from the beaches and land on Motuihe Island.

We ask that visitors to this little beautiful piece of paradise familiarise themselves with the information in the attached biosecurity guidelines link and ensure their transport vessels, camping gear, day bags or packs and footwear are all thoroughly cleaned and checked before arrival.

Check your bag and gear for pests before boarding vessel in Auckland 

  • No open bags. No loose items. 
  • Thoroughly clean your shoes before island arrival.

Thank you for your assistance in helping keep Motuihe Island pest free.