Get involved


Motuihe Island / Te Motu-a-Ihenga

Motuihe is a very successful project thanks to the thousands of volunteers who have generously given their time and energy in a variety of ways since the project began in 2000.

There are many ways you can assist the project either on the island or back on the mainland: sourcing seeds, nursery work, planting, weeding, track maintenance, small building projects, kiosk coverage, guiding visitors, fundraising, organising transport or events, researching and recording island heritage and transformation, advertising, monitoring wildlife and leading work groups.

Please visit this beautiful island to share your expertise, learn new skills, meet amazing people or enjoy a physical workout in a fabulous environment. If you are interested in becoming involved, email for Sunday trips or for weekday trips. 

Listen to the following podcast link about the restoration efforts, courtesy of Waiheke Radio:

No matter how small or large your contribution is, when the island is covered in mature native bush and visitors are astounded by the beautiful birdsong and ancient reptiles are sighted in their natural habitat, you will know that you have helped to achieve this fantastic outcome.


Safety Information

Some parts of the island are potentially dangerous. There are unfenced clifftops, where extreme care is needed, especially with children. When walking the tracks, care must be taken with uneven ground.  Please familiarise yourself with our Health & Safety information (link)before island arrival.

Motuihe audio