Individual Volunteers

A list of upcoming trips and activities is available here

Contact Fiona on for details


For information on mid week trips contact Simon Sheen on 

  • Tree planting and nursery work is undertaken during the wetter months and over the summer season we turn to nursery work, controlling invasive weeds and track maintenance
  • Bring your lunch, a drink, sturdy shoes or gumboots, garden gloves if you have them and sun and rain protection.  Please remember to bring your own medication if required, i.e. EpiPen, Antihistamine
    We provide a hot drink of tea, coffee or milo
  • Biosecurity is very important on Motuihe Island. Please make sure your shoes are clean and that your bag is sealed and does not have any ants, pests or other insects in it 

We look forward to meeting you and we hope you enjoy your day on Motuihe.  Any questions or queries, please email